Nothing here is my property, im only collecting home pages/posts im interested to use in my creative life like having idea/way how to make something. Making this one only for my individual interests and needs. Thank you for understanding. (click on post title to read/see more)

Šajā lapā ir linku kopums. Te nekas nav mans īpašums, tiktāl cik mans apkopošanas darbs.Šī lapa tapusi manām vajadzībām un ērtībām; bet ja nu gadījumā kādam noder, man tikai prieks.Ceru, ka neaizvainošu iekļauto mājas lapu autorus/ līdzveidotājus sakarā ar klasificēšanu, kas ir pilnīgi subjektīva un attiecas vienīgi uz manām šībrīža interesēm. (ziņu nosaukumi ir linki uz avotu, spiediet virsū un lasiet/skatieties tālāk)


Termopaliknis -> Uzmaves drošības siksnām 5 min

My sister and her son came over to visit the other day, and I noticed this on his neck:

OUCH! It's from his seatbelt! Being the sew-y, stitchy, crafty types we are, my sister and I decided we'd better make him some seat belt covers that very day. But we didn't have a lot of time -- especially with all the littles running around!

Then I had a flash of brilliance! I had previously purchased these cute pot holders ($1 at Target!!), and they were perfect for the job!

STEP ONE: Divide your pot holders into thirds and sew straight lines. This will help your covers fold around the seatbelt nicely.

STEP TWO: Attach velcro -- The soft side will go on the folded edge (left in photo) and the scratchy side will go on the flap that folds over (right in photo). I happened to have some blue velcro ($1 at JoAnn's) on hand!

Your covers should fold over and close nicely.

TA-DA! Five minutes, tops!

MUCH better!!

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