Nothing here is my property, im only collecting home pages/posts im interested to use in my creative life like having idea/way how to make something. Making this one only for my individual interests and needs. Thank you for understanding. (click on post title to read/see more)

Šajā lapā ir linku kopums. Te nekas nav mans īpašums, tiktāl cik mans apkopošanas darbs.Šī lapa tapusi manām vajadzībām un ērtībām; bet ja nu gadījumā kādam noder, man tikai prieks.Ceru, ka neaizvainošu iekļauto mājas lapu autorus/ līdzveidotājus sakarā ar klasificēšanu, kas ir pilnīgi subjektīva un attiecas vienīgi uz manām šībrīža interesēm. (ziņu nosaukumi ir linki uz avotu, spiediet virsū un lasiet/skatieties tālāk)


Zīmodziņi no dzēšgumijas

In college (back in the day!) one of my favorite classes was a printmaking class. One of the printmaking styles we learned about was linoleum block printing. We used this tool for carving:

It's basically a glorified cuticle remover. Which got me thinking......

Today I will show you how to make a super simple rubber stamp out of dollar store items!


~#2 Pencil and paper
~Stamp pad
~Cuticle remover (yes, the one for manicures!)

Step One: Trace the size of your eraser on a piece of paper.

Step Two: Draw a little picture. No need to flip the image -- Draw it just as you want your stamp to print. Not an artist? Print out a clipart picture and trace it with your pencil.

Step Three: Cut out your picture, place it face down on your eraser, and rub.

Your picture should transfer very easily.

Step Four: Take your cuticle remover and carve exactly along your lines. This might take a little practice. Remember to use one continuous motion -- don't stop in the middle of a line! -- or your line will get a little choppy. If you mess up, just flip your eraser and start over on the other side.

I cut my eraser down to fit my image better.

Step Five: Ink it up and stamp away!

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