Nothing here is my property, im only collecting home pages/posts im interested to use in my creative life like having idea/way how to make something. Making this one only for my individual interests and needs. Thank you for understanding. (click on post title to read/see more)

Šajā lapā ir linku kopums. Te nekas nav mans īpašums, tiktāl cik mans apkopošanas darbs.Šī lapa tapusi manām vajadzībām un ērtībām; bet ja nu gadījumā kādam noder, man tikai prieks.Ceru, ka neaizvainošu iekļauto mājas lapu autorus/ līdzveidotājus sakarā ar klasificēšanu, kas ir pilnīgi subjektīva un attiecas vienīgi uz manām šībrīža interesēm. (ziņu nosaukumi ir linki uz avotu, spiediet virsū un lasiet/skatieties tālāk)


Krekliņš -> jaundzimušā cimdiņi (bet jāšuj garākus)

Step 1: Cut them out! I used the original hem on the shirt, and the side seams too, to minimize my own sewing. (Lazy or genius? I'm not sure which!)

Step 2: Cut a piece of elastic that will be the right length for her little wrists, fold it in half, and pin it at the seam.

REVISION: Stitch two or three rows of ELASTIC THREAD instead! It's less bulky, and a little more comfy for tiny wrists!!

Step 3: Put project on hold to make a Lego creation for my (very patiently waiting) son.....

Step 4: Sew the elastic just above the hem, stretching it as you go.

Step 5: Turn right side out.

Step 6: Finger-press open the side seam and stitch the ends of the elastic down so they don't poke tiny wrists.

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