Nothing here is my property, im only collecting home pages/posts im interested to use in my creative life like having idea/way how to make something. Making this one only for my individual interests and needs. Thank you for understanding. (click on post title to read/see more)

Šajā lapā ir linku kopums. Te nekas nav mans īpašums, tiktāl cik mans apkopošanas darbs.Šī lapa tapusi manām vajadzībām un ērtībām; bet ja nu gadījumā kādam noder, man tikai prieks.Ceru, ka neaizvainošu iekļauto mājas lapu autorus/ līdzveidotājus sakarā ar klasificēšanu, kas ir pilnīgi subjektīva un attiecas vienīgi uz manām šībrīža interesēm. (ziņu nosaukumi ir linki uz avotu, spiediet virsū un lasiet/skatieties tālāk)


Plīvurs uz stīpiņas

Today's Dollar Store Craft is a sweet little dress-up wedding veil. Sewists of ALL skill levels can tackle this in very little time!

What you need:
~ a plastic headband! I found a three-pack of satin ribbon-covered headbands at my dollar store. Important: You want one that is completely smooth -- with no scratchy bumps to (supposedly) keep it in place!
~ roll of tulle -- you can find it in the wedding section!
STEP ONE: Cut your roll of tulle into six equal sections. You will then fold each tulle strip and sew a casing for your headband to fit through. Remember to backstitch at the beginning and end! My headband was 1/4" wide, and I sewed my casings 3/8" wide -- and it worked perfectly. You can choose to sew each strip's casing separately, or you could do as I did (as shown in the above photo) and overlap each strip a few inches so there is less separation in the strips when worn. If you do it the way I did, just make sure you end up with one continuous casing! :o)

There are a couple ways you could fold your tulle strips:
Option A: Fold each tulle strip exactly in half.
Option B: Fold each tulle strip so one end is about 8" shorter than the other. This gives the veil a little more body and interest, with the shorter layer on top.
(Wish I'd done Option B, but didn't think of it until I was already done!)

STEP TWO: Thread the tulle onto the headband. I chose to use the headband in my three-pack that came with a bow on it -- which luckily happened to be the white one!

STEP THREE: Scrunch all the tulle together at the top.

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